Cancellation Insurance

When renting a holiday house CAP Holiday Rentals offers the possibility to the renter to make an insurance contract for the rented holiday house.

Some clarifications:

A. Insured party or policy holder: a physical or moral person that signs a cancellation insurance contract for themselves and their travel companions.

B. Definition of a travel companions: physical people who take a trip together with the policy holder, and rent a holiday home together.

C. The cancellation insurance covers the insurance of the rent of a holiday for its entire period, with an explicit mention of date of arrival and departure.

1. Security Deposit

Annulment fees:

The security deposit serves as a compensation for the annulment fees or the fees to make changes that according to the conditions specified in the rent contract are to be charged to the insured party in case of annulment or change as a result of one of the following reasons:

A. An injury, sickness, or passing away of:

The insured party, their partner, a relative up twice removed, as well as in-law family members.

The person that lives with the insured party, is under their care or is their responsibility.

B. Death or hospitalization of a family member of the owner of the holiday home where the insured party had rented from.

C. As a result of a cancellation because of economic reasons of the insured party or their partner as a result of a decision of their employer.

D. By the revocation of the already granted leave of the insured party by their employer as a result of unavailability of a colleague because of a illness, an injury, or death.

E. The obligatory presence of the insured party as a result of the signing of a new employment contract with a minimum of three uninterrupted months.

F. The necessary presence of the insured party who is self-employed or a member of a liberal profession as a result of the unavailability of the professional replacement as appointed in the polis as a result of illness, injury or death.

G. When there is significant damage to the rented building that makes the rent of it impossible.

H. When the insured party has to be present as a witness or a jury member of the court, or is a student who is retaking exams that are scheduled in a period between the date of arrival and 30 days after the date of departure of the rented property.

I. In the case that the insured party or a family member once removed is called in for an urgent organ transplant (either as donor or receiver) or for juridical actions necessary for the official adoption of a child.

J. When complications arise in the pregnancy of the insured party or a family member once removed, as well as the premature birth of at least one month before the estimated birth.

K. The pregnancy of the insured party or their partner, at the condition that the scheduled holiday was planned during the last three months of the pregnancy and the insured party and their partner were not aware of the pregnancy when entering the renting contract.

2. Holiday interruption

The security deposit is also available to use to compensate for the lost days in the case that the insured party of their travel companions need to return earlier.


A. When, as a result of injury or illness are physical injuries, a doctor has prescribed a medical or paramedical treatment.

B. In the case of evaluating congenital diseases.

C. In the case of a chronical or pre-existing illness of the insured party, unless there was no need for a medical or paramedical treatment during the month of the closing date of the rental agreement, and there was according to the treating doctor no objection for the trip.

D. In the case of injury as a result of :

The hunt of big game, martial arts, free range mountaineering, or speleology or underwater fishing.

Participation of races, speed races or speed training.

The practicing of sports on a professional level, or for payment, including the training.

E. In the case of psychological, psychosomatic, mental or nervous illness, when they require a constant hospitalization of at least a week {' '}

F. In the case of the physical consequences or illness after a voluntary pregnancy termination.

G. In the case of insolvency of the insured party

H. In the case of delays as a result of traffic business or other foreseeable events

I. When there are administrative, visa, or other fees.

J. In the case of ill intent of the insured party.

K. Suicide of the insured person

L. Excessive use of alcohol, prescription drugs or other mind-numbing substances that are not prescribed by a medical professional.

M. In the case of natural disaster, such as avalanches, rock slides, landslides, the falling of rocks, snow, hail, rising water, floods, hurricanes.

N. The consequences of atomic or nuclear accidents or radiation. Epidemics, pandemics or other extreme viruses.

O. Violence with a collective motivator, such as war, strike or uproars, as well as civil war, unless the insured party proves that there is no connection to this violence with the damage.

3. Establishing the compensation

A. Annulment costs

Will be compensated:

In the case of annulment before the start of the term specified in the lease agreement: 100% of the rent price that the insured party owed.

The change fees that were caused by the cancellation of the travel companion of the insured party: the compensation will be limited to the obligatory compensation in the case of annulment as mentioned in the contract.

The compensation will never surpass the foreseen costs and the intervention will always be calculated based on the annulment fees that are specified in the annulment insurance as well as in the rent agreement. The insured party must alert CAP within 48 hours of the event that has caused the annulment. When failing to do so, all compensation will be impossible. In the case that the insured funds do not correlate with the total rent price, it will be recalculated proportionally.

B. Holiday interruption

Will be compensated: the non-irrecoverable part of the already paid rent fee, in proportion with the number of lost days, counted from the day of coming home, or from the day of hospitalization abroad. The insured party has the option to choose from:

1. The immediate compensation of the lost days.

2. A gift card valid for 1 year for the rent of another holiday home with CAP bvba. In this case the compensation is raised with 10%.

4. Start and duration of the cancellation insurance contract

The start of the insurance contract is the same as the date of signing of the contract, or a maximum of seven days later, and ends at the end of the rent contract.

5. Obligations of the insured party

The insured party will have to respect the following obligations:

Alert CAP Holiday Rentals within 48 hours of the even that causes the annulation, as well as sending a written declaration within seven days from the moment the insured party has any opportunity to do so.

Follow the instructions of CAP Holiday Rentals, and provide all the information and/or documents that they consider needed or useful.

Take all useful and needed precautions to limit annulment costs to a minimum, which means that as soon as an event occurs that might cause an annulment, alerting CAP bvba.

In case of illness or injury abroad, they must be able to provide a medical slip from the treating medical professional abroad.

All annulments must be supported with evidence and documents. Further investigation of the cause of the annulment is possible.

6. Other provisions

Every contestation that may occur as a result of this cancellation insurance will be subjected to Belgian Law.

The execution of the annulment compensation ages after three years, and this starting the day of the submitting of the damage claim or cancellation claim.

The cancellation insurance can only be provided to a physical person domiciled in a EU-state or Switzerland.

The highest possible amount to insure is 10.000 euros.

7​. Covid-19

For Covid-19, we make an exception in the general conditions of our cancellation insurance. If there are restrictions from the government and travelling is forbidden due to Covid-19 :

- You can change your reservation at a later period in 2021 or 2022. Depending on the owner, you can in some cases also rebook to another holiday home.

These conditions do not apply if:

- You wish to cancel for fear or precaution. If you cancel in advance for fear or precaution and on the date of departure it turns out that there are restrictions, these conditions can no longer be applied.

- You are already on site in the holiday home when new restrictions or quarantines are introduced.

For more information or details, please contact us on 00 32 9 362 31 42

Holiday houses

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Valkenstraat 2

9850 Merendree

BE 0803 344 694 

BE91 9501 9961 1076


BIV 200.611

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